Motor Positions =============== Haven is able to save the positions of one of more motors in a database; the saved positions can then be recalled later. The following functions are related to motor positions: - :py:func:`~haven.motor_position.save_motor_position` - :py:func:`~haven.motor_position.list_motor_positions` - :py:func:`~haven.motor_position.recall_motor_position` .. contents:: Saving a Motor Position ----------------------- To save the position of one or more motors, call :py:func:`~haven.motor_position.save_motor_position()` with the motors to be saved as arguments. These arguments can either be the name of a previously instantiated :py:class:`ophyd.Device` object, or the :py:class:`~ophyd.Device` itself. A keyword-only *name* argument is also necessary, which should be a short, human-readable description of the motor position. .. code:: python import haven # An example of using the motor names to save the position uid = haven.save_motor_position("Aerotech_vert", "Aerotech_horiz", name="CuO A") .. code:: python import ophyd import haven # An example of using the ophyd Devices to save the position aerotech_vert = ophyd.EpicsMotor("25idd:m1") aerotech_horiz = ophyd.EpicsMotor("25idd:m2") uid = haven.save_motor_position(aerotech_vert, aerotech_horiz, name="CuO A") :py:func:`~haven.motor_position.save_motor_position()` returns the database ID of the document that was created. This **ID is the best way to retrieve a motor position** from the database later, though it can be also be retrieved using the *name* argument provided it is unique. Saving All Motor Positions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It may be convenient to save all motor positions to the database as a sort of checkpoint before performing some non-routine operation. This can be done with the following line. Future work will provide a shorted version. **Remember to call** :py:func:`~haven.instrument.load_instrument.load_instrument()` **first**. .. code:: python haven.save_motor_position(*haven.registry.findall(label="motors"), name="checkpoint before replacing monochromator") Viewing Saved Motor Positions ----------------------------- The function :py:func:`~haven.motor_position.list_motor_positions()` will print out a list of all the saved motor positions. This list also contains the database ID for each position, in case that information was not retained when saving the motor position originally. Recalling a Saved Motor Position -------------------------------- The beamline can be set back a previously saved motor position using the :py:func:`haven.motor_position.recall_motor_position()` function. **This function is a bluesky-style plan**, and so the plan **must be passed to a RunEngine** to be effective. The saved motor position can be retrieved using either the ID generated when the position was saved (the *uid* argument), or by the *name* argument that was chosen when the position was saved. **If the *name* is not unique**, no guarantee is made regarding which motor position is restored. .. code:: python import haven RE = haven.RunEngine() # Save the motor position uid = haven.save_motor_position("Aerotech_vert", name="start position") # Restore the motor position plan = haven.recall_motor_position(uid=uid) RE(plan) The MotorPosition Data Model ---------------------------- :py:class:`haven.motor_position.MotorPosition` is a pydantic model that represents a set of motor positions in the database. Any attribute that has a type definition (e.g. ``offset: float = None``) is a data attribute and can be saved to the database. To **add a new database value**, add the appropriate attribute to the pydantic model, and modify the :py:meth:`` and :py:meth:`~haven.motor_position.MotorPosition.load()` methods to accomodate the new database value.