Saving Data to XDI Files


This page is intended for beamline staff. If you are a user at a beamline using Haven, this is most likely already set up for you.

XAFS Data Interchange (XDI) is a standard file format for storing data from individual XAFS scans in a plain-text file. Currently, Haven supports automatic saving of energy scans using either the energy_scan() or xafs_scan() functions. The filename used for saving will be generated from metadata. For more refined control, see below for how to create XDIWriter objects, or even creating a customized subclass of XDIWriter.

The XDI file is opened at the start of the scan, and data are written in real time during data acquisition, so aborted plans will still have data saved. Halted plans will still have data saved, but the file may remain open with write intent until the python interpreter running Haven is closed. This was a deliberate design choice to ensure the XDI writer keeps an exclusive lock on the file during execution of the plan.

Using the XDIWriter

If you want to save the XDI file to specific place or pass in other arguments, you can create your own instance of the XDIWriter class. The first argument to XDIWriter() should be either a file name, a pathlib.Path object, or an open file like those return by python’s built-in open(). The following 3 invocations are all valid:

from haven import XDIWriter
from pathlib import Path

# Provide a regular string...
writer = XDIWriter("/path/to/my/xafs_data.xdi")

# ...or provide a Path object...
root = Path("/path/to/my/")
writer = XDIWriter(root / "xafs_data.xdi")

The filename can contain placeholders that will be filled in once the plan starts. This works similarly to python’s format string syntax. For example:

from haven import XDIWriter

plan = energy_scan(..., E0="Ni_K", md=dict(sample_name="nickel oxide"))
writer_callback = XDIWriter(fd="./{year}{month}{day}_{sample_name}_{edge}.xdi")
RE(plan, writer)

Assuming the date is 2022-08-19, then the filename will become “20220819_nickel-oxide_Ni_K.xdi”.

Custom Subclasses of XDIWriter